CanSurmount and Reach to Recovery (specifically for breast cancer survivors) were founded to help people with cancer, their families, employers and friends deal with the disease and its treatment.
Each program assigns a volunteer visitor, upon request, to a person who has cancer, or to a family member. The visits are always one-to-one, either patient to patient or family member to family member. Where possible, visitors and patients or family members are matched by factors
that might aid mutual understanding and communication such as treatment, age, marital status or diagnosis.
The relationship between visitor and patient or family member may be brief or ongoing; it depends on the needs of the individual and the bond that may develop between the two.
Suggested Readings for Survivors There are many books available in your local library or bookstore that provide further support for survivors and their families and caregivers. Please consult the "Directory of Resources" on PAGE 673.